After a 4 week hiatus, I am back again! I enjoyed my Winter Break, as well as the first week of this semester.
Last week was pretty slow. I worked on updating my website (I added new pages: one for Original Work, and one for Primary Assessment). I drove myself to do this because I wanted to share the original work with Dr. Mendoza in order to hear from her. She offered very useful feedback which I will definitely use to update my Original Work.
I also completed Assessment 14 last week. This assessment should have been a mentor assessment, but I have been dragging my feet in asking some of my potential candidates. Hopefully, I will this out by Friday! I made assessment 14 a research assessment, with the topic being the incidence of bradycardia in pediatric anesthesia. Apparently, bradycardia is the most common complication, which made sense (any complication, such as blood loss and hypoxia, will eventually lead to bradycardia).
In the future, I have many big things coming up. For example, I need to create a 20 minute Original Work speech, which I will present on the 26th. Also on my to do list is the presentation board, which I need to finish by the end of this month in preparation for the gallery walk.
Until next week!