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Starry Sky

Prepping for the Professional Symposium


This week, we focused on preparing for the Professional Symposium at Panther Creek High School. This is a district wide event, and dozens of professionals will be present. It is an opportunity for me to find my mentor, and to practice my interview skills.

I am glad to say that I have found appropriate professional dress. I also have the final draft of my resume, which is much more concise and readable. However, I have one last thing on my list: taking a professional picture in better lighting than the current one has.


Since we were so busy this week, we were assigned a research report, which consists of only one source versus the five of an annotated bibliography. However, a research report requires around 500 words for the analysis of the source, while an annotated bibliography requires a maximum of only 200 words. That does mean an annotated bibliography has more writing, but since we research more topics, it is more efficient.

The research report this week focused on bronchospasms, one of the most common complications to arise in the operating room. It relates to my field because asthmatic children are at higher risk and are in numbers, and pediatric anesthesia is seeing more at risk children as time progresses.

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you again next week!

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