If you couldn't already tell, this week has been research heavy. I've lost track of time - what week is this blog???
This week, our assignment was to do our second annotated bibliography. It is a lot of research, but I feel like I am improving already. The writing portion is not too difficult, and I could even say that it is easy because it is simply putting my thoughts on paper and connecting them back to other sources and what I already know.
Topic & Final Product
Overall, I feel content with pediatric anesthesiology as my topic. I am starting to think about my final project, and I still like the idea of creating a pamphlet for parents which provides information for pre- and post-operative care, as well as gives basic information on the different types of anesthesia (local, general, and spinal). I hope that I can find a mentor with connections to a hospital that is willing to place my pamphlets in their clinic!
Professional Dress
These couple of weeks have been pretty hectic, and trying to find time to get suitable professional dress has been out of the question. However, I finally found a well fitting jacket. I am still working on getting pants. I have acceptable shoes, but I would like to find solid colored shoes. Basically, I could attend the symposium today, but I want to keep looking.
Thank you for reading!