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Starry Sky

Speeches and Surgery


Updated: Dec 17, 2023

This week has put me on a completely different path for ISM.


First, I have gained confidence in myself. This is in part because I have become more sure about what I want to do for my Original Work (more on this later), but also because I have realized that I am not as terrible at public speaking as I had originally thought.

This realisation came to me as I was completing my speech self-evaluation. Going into the evaluation, I was as nervous to hear myself speak, almost as nervous as I was when before actually giving the speech! I expected myself to sound really cheesy, almost like a Hallmark Card.

However, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself speaking a calm and composed manner. I did look slightly nervous, but I think it was not obvious to anyone else. Additionally, I could not really hear myself in the recording, so I should speak louder; I also think that the low volume may be due to a cellphone that was 6 feet away recording me. Either way, I should try to speak louder.


Refocusing my Original Work pamphlet's main topic from surgery to surgery with an anesthesia based focus has changed the class for me. Earlier, I was trying to fit too much into a 1 page (front and back) brochure, which compromised readability. Now, I am sure that I will be able to achieve both my goals from my original work proposal: to have an educational and aesthetically appealing pamphlet.

See you next week!

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