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Starry Sky

Unpacked and Ready to GO!


This is the first week that actually feels like school. It is nice to be back, and after getting everything settled down (in terms of schedule and classes), I'm ready for anything!

How I Feel About My Topic

I came into ISM already having a topic in mind: Anesthesiology (specifically pain management). I feel more confident about this topic, as I was a little worried that I would not find research material on pain management.

What We Did

This week, we created our LinkedIn profiles and our websites. It was interesting to see how easy it is to connect to professionals on LinkedIn, and I am really excited to connect to some medical professionals, especially anesthesiologists. The website-maker was finicky, but in the end I am really proud of how it has come out. One thing that I have to work on is my professional picture because it is not as good as I would've liked (but on the other hand, who likes their own pictures). On the topic of professionalism, I need to figure out my professional attire, as I have not needed it before this year. Also, since I plan on doing a medical topic, do I need to buy scrubs? So many questions...

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